DrawingML Object Positioning

Positioning within a Word Processing Document - Floating Pictures - Positioning

Floating objects are anchored within the text but can be absolutely positioned in the document relative to the page. They are inserted into a <w:drawing> element with a <wp:anchor> element. The child elements determine the placement.

Positioning with <wp:simplePos>

There are two methods for controlling placement using the <wp:anchor> element. First, the object can be positioned relative to the top-left edge of the page using the child <wp:simplePos x="0" y="0"/> element, which has two attributes x and y. These attributes specify the coordinates on the x and y axes, respectively. Possible values are either in EMUs or as a number immediately followed by a unit identifier. It is important to remember also that to use the <wp:simplePos> element for positioning, the simplePos attribute on the <wp:anchor> tag must be set to true. Otherwise, the second method for positioning is used. Whether used or not, the <wp:simplePos> element should be included in the XML.

Reference: ECMA-376, 3rd Edition (June, 2011), Fundamentals and Markup Language Reference §
<wp:anchor distT="0" distB="0" distL="0" distL="114300" distR="114300" simplePos="1" relativeHeight="251658240" behindDoc="0" locked="0" layoutInCell="1" allowOverlap="1">
<wp:simplePos x="1847850" y="914400"/>
. . .

Note: Microsoft Word seems to not fully support positioning with <wp:simplePos>.

Positioning with <wp:positionH> and <wp:positionV>

If the simplePos attribute of <wp:anchor> is false, then the object is positioned using the <wp:positionH> and <wp:positionV> child elements, corresponding to horizontal and vertical positioning, respectively.

Each of these positioning elements has two important components: (1) the positioning base, or the part of the document from which the positioning is to be calculated, and (2) the positioning relative to that base.

Reference: ECMA-376, 3rd Edition (June, 2011), Fundamentals and Markup Language Reference § and §

Positioning Relative to What?

The first component of positioning with <wp:positionH> and <wp:positionV> is given by the relativeFrom attribute of both <wp:positionH> and <wp:positionV>. For horizontal positioning, the possible values are:

For vertical positioning, the possible values are:

Below are examples of vertical positioning with alignment at the top. The first example is alignment relative to the margin.

<wp:positionV relativeFrom="margin">

Vertical alignment - relativeFrom margin

The second example is alignment relative to the page.

<wp:positionV relativeFrom="page">

Vertical alignment - relativeFrom page

The second component of positioning with <wp:positionH> and <wp:positionV> is given by a child element of those two elements: either an align element to specify relative alignment (e.g., center, left, right, top, bottom, etc.) or a <wp:posOffset> element to specify absolute position offset.

Positioning Using <wp:align>

The actual position relative to the base as given in the relativeFrom attribute is specified within an <wp:align> element. For horizontal positioning, the possible values are:

Below is an example of horizontal positioning right relative to the right margin.

<wp:positionH relativeFrom="rightMargin">

Horizontal alignment - relativeFrom rightMargin, align right

For vertical positioning, the possible values are:

Below is an example of vertical positioning at the inside relative to the bottom margin.

<wp:positionV relativeFrom="bottomMargin">

Horizontal alignment - relativeFrom bottomMargin, align inside

Positioning Using <wp:posOffset>

Absolute measurement can be specified with the <wp:posOffset> element. Measurement is given in EMUs and is calculated relative to the top left edge of the positioning base as given in the relativeFrom attribute. Below is absolute placement relative to the page.

Note: Microsoft Word positioning with <wp:posOffset> seems unreliable.

<wp:positionH relativeFrom="page">
<wp:positionV relativeFrom="page">

Horizontal alignment - relativeFrom page, posOffset

Reference: ECMA-376, 3rd Edition (June, 2011), Fundamentals and Markup Language Reference §