DrawingML Shapes
The geometry or form of a shape can be either preset or custom. A set of preset geometric shapes are specified in the ECMA specification which any application should be able to render. A preset form is specified with a <a:prstGeom> element. The actual shape is specified with an attribute prst on that element. The possible values are specified below. Note that the preset geometry can be adjusted by specifying a list of shape adjustment values within a <a:avLst>, which is a child element of <a:prstGeom>. Shape adjustment values are not covered here. Note also that any preset geometrical shape can be alternately specified as a custom geometry. The alternate custom drawingML for each preset shape is found in the DrawingMLGeometries Appendix D to the ECMA specification, in an xml file called presetShapeDefinitions.xml
Below is a sample of a preset trapezoid geometrical shape.
The possible values for prst (i.e., the pre-defined shapes) are listed below. For examples of the shapes, see ECMA-376, 3rd Edition (June, 2011), Fundamentals and Markup Language Reference §
- accentBorderCallout1
- accentBorderCallout2
- accentBorderCallout3
- accentCallout1
- accentCallout2
- accentCallout3
- actionButtonBackPrevious
- actionButtonBeginning
- actionButtonBlank
- actionButtonDocument
- actionButtonEnd
- actionButtonForwardNext
- actionButtonHelp
- actionButtonHome
- actionButtonInformation
- actionButtonMovie
- actionButtonReturn
- actionButtonSound
- arc
- bentArrow
- bentConnector2
- bentConnector3
- bentConnector4
- bentConnector5
- bentUpArrow
- bevel
- blockArc
- borderCallout1
- borderCallout2
- borderCallout3
- bracePair
- bracketPair
- callout1
- callout2
- callout3
- can
- chartPlus
- chartStar
- chartX
- chevron
- chord
- circularArrow
- cloud
- cloudCallout
- corner
- cornerTabs
- cube
- curvedConnector2
- curvedConnector3
- curvedConnector4
- curvedConnector5
- curvedDownArrow
- curvedLeftArrow
- curvedRightArrow
- curvedUpArrow
- decagon
- diagStripe
- diamond
- dodecagon
- donut
- doubleWave
- downArrow
- downArrowCallout
- ellipse
- ellipseRibbon
- ellipseRibbon2
- flowChartAlternateProcess
- flowChartCollate
- flowChartConnector
- flowChartDecision
- flowChartDelay
- flowChartDisplay
- flowChartDocument
- flowChartExtract
- flowChartInputOutput
- flowChartInternalStorage
- flowChartMagneticDisk
- flowChartMagneticDrum
- flowChartMagneticTape
- flowChartManualInput
- flowChartManualOperation
- flowChartMerge
- flowChartMultidocument
- flowChartOfflineStorage
- flowChartOffpageConnector
- flowChartOnlineStorage
- flowChartOr
- flowChartPredefinedProcess
- flowChartPreparation
- flowChartProcess
- flowChartPunchedCard
- flowChartPunchedTape
- flowChartSort
- flowChartSummingJunction
- flowChartTerminator
- folderCorner
- frame
- funnel
- gear6
- gear9
- halfFrame
- heart
- heptagon
- hexagon
- homePlate
- horizontalScroll
- irregularSeal1
- irregularSeal2
- leftArrow
- leftArrowCallout
- leftBrace
- leftBracket
- leftCircularArrow
- leftRightArrow
- leftRightArrowCallout
- leftRightCircularArrow
- leftRightRibbon
- irregularSeal1
- leftRightUpArrow
- leftUpArrow
- lightningBolt
- line
- lineInv
- mathDivide
- mathEqual
- mathMinus
- mathMultiply
- mathNotEqual
- mathPlus
- moon
- nonIsoscelesTrapezoid
- noSmoking
- notchedRightArrow
- octagon
- parallelogram
- pentagon
- pie
- pieWedge
- plaque
- plaqueTabs
- plus
- quadArrow
- quadArrowCallout
- rect
- ribbon
- ribbon2
- rightArrow
- rightArrowCallout
- rightBrace
- rightBracket
- round1Rect
- round2DiagRect
- round2SameRect
- roundRect
- rtTriangle
- smileyFace
- snip1Rect
- snip2DiagRect
- snip2SameRect
- snipRoundRect
- squareTabs
- star10
- star12
- star16
- star24
- star32
- star4
- star5
- star6
- star7
- star8
- straightConnector1
- stripedRightArrow
- sun
- swooshArrow
- teardrop
- trapezoid
- triangle
- upArrow
- upArrowCallout
- upDownArrow
- upDownArrowCallout
- uturnArrow
- verticalScroll
- wave
- wedgeEllipseCallout
- wedgeRectCallout
- wedgeRoundRectCallout