Wordprocessing Fields
Date and time field formatting switches have the following format:
\@ switch argument
A date and time field switch argument is made up of a series of "picture items." The most commonly used are below.
Date and Time Field Switch Picture Items:
Picture Item | Description |
d | Formats the day of the week or day of the month as a number without a leading zero for single-digit days. |
dd | Formats the day of the month as a two-digit number with a leading zero for single-digit days. |
ddd | Formats the day of the week in its abbreviated form according to the language specified by the lang element on the run containing the field instructions. |
dddd | Formats the day of the week as its full name according to the language specified by the lang element on the run containing the field instructions. |
M | Formats the month as a number without a leading zero for single-digit months. |
MM | Formats the month as a number with a leading zero for single-digit months. |
MMM | Formats the month in its abbreviated form according to the language specified by the lang element on the run containing the field instructions. |
MMMM | Formats the month as its full name according to the language specified by the lang element on the run containing the field instructions. |
W | Formats the day of the week in an abbreviated form according to the language specified by the lang element on the run containing the field instructions. |
yy | Formats the year as a 2-digit number. |
yyyy | Formats the year as a 4-digit number. |
hor H | Formats the hour on a 12-hour clock without a leading zero for single-digit hours. |
hh | Formats the hour on a 12-hour clock with a leading zero for single-digit hours. |
H | Formats the hour on a 24-hour clock without a leading zero for single-digit hours. |
HH | Formats the hour on a 24-hour clock with a leading zero for single-digit hours. |
m | Formats the minutes without a leading zero for single-digit minutes. |
mm | Formats the minutes with a leading zero for single-digit minutes. |
s | Formats the seconds without a leading zero for single-digit minutes. |
ss | Formats the minutes as a two-digit number with a leading zero for single-digit seconds. |
am/pm or AM/PM | Formats the uppercase 12-hour clock indicators according to the language specified by the lang element on the run containing the field instructions. |
Other character | Includes the specified character in the result at that position. E.g., colon (:), hyphen (-), slash (/), and space. |
'text' | Includes text in the result. |
Below are some examples of date and time for US-English.
Date and Time Switch Examples:
Switch | Result |
DATE \@ "M/d/yyyy" |
1/3/2006 |
DATE \@ "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy" |
Tuesday, January 03, 2006 |
DATE \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" |
January 3, 2006 |
DATE \@ "M/d/yy" |
1/3/06 |
DATE \@ "yyyy-MM-dd" |
2006-01-03 |
DATE \@ "d-MMM-yy" |
3-Jan-06 |
DATE \@ "M.d.yyyy" |
1.3.2006 |
DATE \@ "MMM. d, yy" |
Jan. 3, 06 |
DATE \@ "d MMMM yyyy" |
3 January 2006 |
DATE \@ "MMMM yy" |
January 06 |
DATE \@ "M/d/yyyy h:mm am/pm" |
1/3/2006 5:28 PM |
DATE \@ "M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss am/pm" |
1/3/2006 5:28:34 PM |
DATE \@ "h:mm am/pm" |
5:28 PM |
DATE \@ "h:mm am/pm" |
5:28:34 PM |
DATE \@ "HH:mm" |
17:28 |
DATE \@ "'Today is 'HH:mm:ss" |
Today is 17:28:34 |