Wordprocessing Fields

Field Definitions
AUTHOR Retrieves and optionally sets the document author's name as recorded in the Creator element of the Core File Porperties part. To update the field, add an argument. E.g., AUTHOR "Tony Danza" causes the Creator element to take the value "Tony Danza".

Use a general field-formatting switch.

AUTHOR \* Caps displays:
Henry Miller

CREATEDATE Retrieves the date and time at which the document was created (using the Gregorian calendar by default), as recorded in the DateCreated element of the Core File Properties part. Use a date and time formatting switch.

CREATEDATE displays:
1/4/2006 10:31:00 PM

CREATEDATE \@ "dddd, MMMM dd,yyyy HH:mm:ss" displays:
Wednesday, January 04, 2006 22:31:00

DATE Retrieves the current date and time (using the Gregorian calendar by default).

Use a date and time formatting switch.

There is also a \l switch which specifies that if no date and time switch is used, then use the date and time formatting switch last used.

DATE displays:
1/4/2006 10:31:00 PM

DATE \@ "dddd, MMMM dd,yyyy HH:mm:ss" displays:
Wednesday, January 04, 2006 22:31:00

FILESIZE Retrieves the size of the WordprocessingML package in bytes.

Use a numeric formatting switch or a general formatting switch.

There is also a \k switch, which rounds to the nearest thousand bytes and a \m switch, which rounds to the nearest million bytes.

FILESIZE \# #,##0 displays:

FILESIZE \#k displays:

FILESIZE \#m displays:

PAGE Retrieves the number of the current page.

Use the general formatting switchs.

PAGE displays:

PAGE \* ArabicDash displays:

PAGE \# roman displays:

SAVEDATE Retrieves the date and time on which the document was last saved (using the Gregorian calendar by default), as recorded in the DateModified element of the Core File Properties part. For a document that has never been saved, the date and time are 0000-00-00T00:00:00 and each text component is XXX.

Use a date and time formatting switch.

SAVEDATE displays:
1/6/2006 3:15:00 PM

SAVEDATe \@ "dddd, MMMM dd,yyyy HH:mm:ss" displays:
Wednesday, January 04, 2006 22:31:00

For a document that has not been saved, the same formatting options would display
0/0/0000 0:00 AM
and XXX, XXX 00, 0000 00:00:00

SECTION Retrieves the number of the current section.

Use the general formatting switches.

SECTION displays:

SECTION "My Life, the Fantasy" \* Upper sets the value to My Life, the Fantasy and the result is

SECTION \* ArabicDash displays:

SECTION \# roman displays:

SEQ identifier field argument Sequentially numbers chapters, tables, figures and other user-defined lists of items; it is similar to the LISTNUM field. The identifier is the name assigned to the items to be numbers--e.g., Figure, or Table. The field argument specifies a bookmark name that refers to an item elsewhere in the document.

Uses a numeric formatting switch or one of the following: \c repeats the closest preceding number; \h hides the result unless a genera formatting switch is also present; \n insets the next sequence number (the default); \r field argument resets the sequence number to the integer specified by the field argument; and \s resets the sequence number to the built-iin heading level specified by the field argument.

SEQ Figure displays:
Figure 1

SEQ Figure \* roman displays:
Figure ii

TIME Retrieves the current date and time.

Use a date and time formatting switch.

TIME displays:
1:59 PM

TIME \@ "dddd, MMMM dd,yyyy HH:mm:ss" displays:
Wednesday, January 04, 2006 22:31:00

TITLE Retrieves and optionally sets the document's title as recorded in the Title element of the Core File Properties part. Set the field by specifying a field argument.

Use a general formatting switch.

TITLE displays:
My Life's Story

TITLE "My Life, the Fantasy" \* Upper sets the value to My Life, the Fantasy and the result is

TOC See Table of Contents.
USERNAME Retrieves the current user's name or the name specified by a field argument.

Use a general field-formatting switch.

USERNAME \* Lower displays:
david williams

USERNAME "John Jones" displays:
John Jones

USERNAME "Mary Smith" \* Upper displays: